Conference Guides

Aug 12, 2020, 1:00 PM
Tifco Hotel Group is now offering a fantastic new solution that effectually combines live and virtual experience into a hybrid virtual event. Hybrid events offer an effective way for you to increase delegate participation and avoid some delegates missing an event due to current travel limitations that may exist due to COVID-19 restriction. It also allows you to significantly extend the reach of your live event through an online hybrid approach.

Feb 21, 2020, 4:31 PM
Are you planning your first conference in Dublin, or somewhere else and need some help to jump start the process? Perhaps you organised events before, but you’re going for something bigger and need some backup? Organising a conference can be a big task, but it’s in no way impossible, many have done it before! So why try to reinvent the wheel? We recommend you consider the following 10 useful steps when organising a conference (this list does not necessarily have to be considered in chronological order).